
For additional information, please see the following websites and journals that we have found informative:

Contact Ulcer:

Ayazi S, Lipham JC, Hagen JA, Tang AL, Zehetner J, Leers JM, et al. A new technique for measurement of pharyngeal pH: normal values and discriminating pH threshold. J Gastrointest Surg. Aug 2009;13(8):1422-9. 

Bloch CS, Gould WJ, Hirano M. Effect of voice therapy on contact granuloma of the vocal fold. Ann Otol Rhinol Laryngol. Jan-Feb 1981;90(1 Pt 1):48-52.

Havas TE, Priestley J, Lowinger DS. A management strategy for vocal process granulomas.Laryngoscope. Feb 1999;109(2 Pt 1):301-6.

Orloff LA, Goldman SN. Vocal fold granuloma: successful treatment with botulinum toxin. Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. Oct 1999;121(4):410-3.

Vocal Fold Cyst:

Beham AW, Puellmann K, Laird R, Fuchs T, Streich R, Breysach C, et al. A TNF-regulated recombinatorial macrophage immune receptor implicated in granuloma formation in tuberculosis. PLoS Pathog. Nov 2011;7(11):e1002375. 

Jackson C. Contact ulcer of the larynx. Ann Otol Rhinol Laryngol. 1928;37:227-30.

Jackson C, Jackson CL. Contact ulcer of the larynx. Arch Otolaryngol. 1935;22:1-15.

Ayazi S, Lipham JC, Hagen JA, Tang AL, Zehetner J, Leers JM, et al. A new technique for measurement of pharyngeal pH: normal values and discriminating pH threshold. J Gastrointest SurgAug 2009;13(8):1422-9.

Bloch CS, Gould WJ, Hirano M. Effect of voice therapy on contact granuloma of the vocal fold. Ann Otol Rhinol Laryngol. Jan-Feb 1981;90(1 Pt 1):48-52.

de Lima Pontes PA, De Biase NG, Gadelha EC. Clinical evolution of laryngeal granulomas: treatment and prognosis. Laryngoscope. Feb 1999;109(2 Pt 1):289-94.

Gould WJ, Rubin JS, Yanagisawa E. Benign vocal fold pathology through the eyes of the laryngologist. In: Rubin JS, ed. Diagnosis and Treatment of Voice Disorders. New York, NY:. Igaku-Shoin;1995:146-9.

Havas TE, Priestley J, Lowinger DS. A management strategy for vocal process granulomas.Laryngoscope. Feb 1999;109(2 Pt 1):301-6. 

Nasri S, Sercarz JA, McAlpin T, Berke GS. Treatment of vocal fold granuloma using botulinum toxin type A. Laryngoscope. Jun 1995;105(6):585-8. 

Orloff LA, Goldman SN. Vocal fold granuloma: successful treatment with botulinum toxin. Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. Oct 1999;121(4):410-3.

Wenig BM, Heffner DK. Contact ulcers of the larynx. A reacquaintance with the pathology of an often underdiagnosed entity. Arch Pathol Lab Med. Aug 1990;114(8):825-8.

Paralysis/Paresis of the Vocal Folds:

Bastian RW; Delsupehe KG. Indirect larynx and pharynx surgery: a replacement for direct laryngoscopy. Laryngoscope 1996 Oct;106(10):1280-6
Boone, D., McFarlane, S., Von Berg S. (2005). The voice and voice therapy (7th ed.). New York: Allyn & Bacon

Colton, R, Casper J., Leonard, R. (2006). Understanding voice problems: A physiological perspective for diagnosis and treatment (3rd ed.). New York: Lippincott Williams and Wilkins

Roth, F.P and Worthington, C.K. (2001). Intervention for voice and alaryngeal speech. InTreatment resource manual for speech-language pathology, 2nd ed. Albany, NY; Singular Thomson Learning.

Vocal Fold Nodule:

Cipriani NA, Martin DE, Corey JP, Portugal L, Caballero N, Lester R, et al. The Clinicopathologic Spectrum of Benign Mass Lesions of the Vocal Fold due to Vocal Abuse. Int J Surg Pathol. Oct 2011;19(5):583-7.

Dikkers FG, Nikkels PG. Benign lesions of the vocal folds: histopathology and phonotrauma. Ann Otol Rhinol Laryngol. Sep 1995;104(9 Pt 1):698-703. 

Hogikyan ND, Appel S, Guinn LW, et al. Vocal fold nodules in adult singers: regional opinions about etiologic factors, career impact, and treatment. A survey of otolaryngologists, speech pathologists, and teachers of singing. J Voice. Mar 1999;13(1):128-42.

Gray SD, Titze I, Lusk RP. Electron microscopy of hyperphonated canine vocal cords. J Voice. 1987;1(1):109-115.

Kuhn J, Toohill RJ, Ulualp SO, et al. Pharyngeal acid reflux events in patients with vocal cord nodules.Laryngoscope. Aug 1998;108(8 Pt 1):1146-9. 

Nakagawa H, Miyamoto M, Kusuyama T, Mori Y, Fukuda H. Resolution of Vocal Fold Polyps With Conservative Treatment. J Voice. Nov 12 2011

Ragab SM, Elsheikh MN, Saafan ME, et al. Radiophonosurgery of benign superficial vocal fold lesions. J Laryngol Otol. Dec 2005;119(12):961-6. 

Vocal Fold Hemorrhage:

Postma GN, Courey MS, Ossoff RH. Microvascular lesions of the true vocal fold. Ann Otol Rhinol Laryngol. Jun 1998;107(6):472-6. 

Cipriani NA, Martin DE, Corey JP, Portugal L, Caballero N, Lester R, et al. The clinicopathologic spectrum of benign mass lesions of the vocal fold due to vocal abuse. Int J Surg Pathol. Oct 2011;19(5):583-7.

Hochman I, Sataloff RT, Hillman RE, et al. Ectasias and varices of the vocal fold: clearing the striking zone.Ann Otol Rhinol Laryngol. Jan 1999;108(1):10-6. 

Ivey CM, Woo P, Altman KW, et al. Office pulsed dye laser treatment for benign laryngeal vascular polyps: a preliminary study. Ann Otol Rhinol Laryngol. May 2008;117(5):353-8. 

Burns JA, Friedman AD, Lutch MJ, Zeitels SM. Subepithelial vocal fold infusion: a useful diagnostic and therapeutic technique. Ann Otol Rhinol Laryngol. Apr 2012;121(4):224-30. 

Franz P, Aharinejad S. The microvasculature of the larynx: a scanning electron microscopic study.Scanning Microsc. Mar 1994;8(1):125-30; discussion 131. 

Frenzel H, Kleinsasser O. Ultrastructural study on the small blood vessels of human vocal cords. Arch Otorhinolaryngol. 1982;236(2):147-60. 

Hsiung MW, Kang BH, Su WF, et al. Clearing microvascular lesions of the true vocal fold with the KTP/532 laser. Ann Otol Rhinol Laryngol. Jun 2003;112(6):534-9. 

Lin P, Stern JC, Gould WJ. Risk factors and management of vocal fold hemorrhages. J Voice. 1991;5:74-7.

Muscle Tension Dysphonia:

Spasmotic Dysphonia(SD)/Laryngeal Dystonia

SW., Baxter, M., Oates, J., Yorston, A,. (2009). Long term results of Type II Thyroplasty for adductor spasmodic dysphonia. The Larygoscope. V 114 (9) 1604-1608.

De Conde,A., Long,J., Armin, B., Berke, G. (2012). Functional reinnervation of vocal folds and selective laryngeal adductor denervation-reinnervation surgery for spasmodic dysphonia. Journal of Voice. V 25(5), 602-603.
Hajioff, D., RatenburyH., Carrie, S., Carding, P., Wilson, J. (2001). The effect of Isshiki type 1 thyroplasty on quality of life and vocal performance. Clinical Otolaryngology and Allied Sciences. Vol 25, Issue 5, 418-422.

Benign Essential Voice Tremor:

Gironell, G., Kulisevsky, J.  (2009). Diagnosis and Management of essential tremor and dystonic temor. Ther Adv. Neurological Disorders. 2(4) 215-222.
Lester RA, Barkmeier-Kraemer, J, Story BH. (2013). Physiologic and acoustic patterns of essential voice tremor. Journal of Voice. doi:pii: S0892-1997(13)00003-9. 10.1016/j.jvoice.2013.01.002.


Aronson, A.(1990) Clinical Voice Disorders an interdisciplinary approach (3rd Ed.) Thieme Medical Publishers Medical Inc.: New York

 Koufman JA, Isaacson G. The spectrum of vocal dysfunction. Otolaryngol Clin North Am. Oct 1991;24(5):985-8.

Baker, J. (2003).   Psychogenic voice disorders and traumatic stress experience: a discussion paper with two case reports. Journal of Voice. 17(3)     308-318

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